It is Mental Health Awareness Month and I want to offer my tools out to anyone who is struggling to find balance or hope or ease during your difficult moments. My hope is that I am able to provide even a little breath of reprise for you. This guided stillness session is for anyone who is need of some uplifting of the mind, body, spirit and heart. This inspiring session will encourage you to believe in yourself, your gifts and all that you bring to this world.
In this guided session, I help you get present and aware of Mother Nature’s gift right outside your door through a visual stillness.
Read MoreINNER PEACE: accessing it through guided stillness
Allow yourself to get grounded in your emotions and thoughts through a guided stillness practice to help you access inner peace at any time you need.
As in any journey, there are generally a few things that one experiences. Letting go of the old habits, energy and perspectives to allow space for the new, transforming our energy to attract who we truly are at our core and to create success as we move forward on the path. This guided stillness is designed to help you acknowledge what no longer serves your true self so that you can change the energy that is being attracted back to you which will allow you to create goals that elevate your journey’s outcome. Be Well.
LOVE, INNER PEACE AND HOPE: a guided stillness practice
Every day asks a lot of us and our current global situation is asking more. This guided stillness practice or if you prefer meditation, is designed to help you access what I find is most difficult within us and many times pushed aside. My hope, is that you dedicate more Love to yourself as you are fully worthy of it; that you are able to let go of Ego so that you can tap into the gifts that your True Self has always had there for you; and that in Hope you fear less, making more space within you to move forward with trust and certainty that anything can be transformed. Be Well.
We all take our breath for granted because it’s always there for us no matter what…until something changes. Our breath changes when something happens to us physically or to our lives - an illness, a loss, allergies, stress, etc. One of the best things you can do be a more healthy WELL-Being is become more aware of your breath. When we can learn to control our breath, slow it down, make it more expansive and full, we bring more balance into our whole body, nourishing all of the systems and organs with rich oxygen and calm energy.
Here are a handful of simple breathing techniques for different situations we find ourselves in. Be Well.
Tis the season we find ourselves in that requires transformation, renewal and growth. It’s Spring. This education session will take you through some tips that can help you shed the weight of Winter and it’s hold on you in any form it may have taken. Be Well.
Chakra Balancing Relaxation Meditation
Take a short break and get grounded and balanced in your mind, body & spirit’s energy. Allow yourself to let go and be supported by the energy of your Chakra’s through this guided relaxation meditation. The Chakras are energy centers within the body that gather information about the mind, body, spirit and health of oneself. When the energy is flowing freely, one is more balanced in these centers and therefore the whole being. When the energy is stuck or congested, then imbalance can set in. There are many things one can do to bring balance back into the Chakras and a guided meditation is one of them. Enjoy.
61 Point Meditation Exercise with deep relaxation
This incredibly relaxing guided meditation will help you fully let go of any tension, anxiety, worry and stress that your body, mind & spirit may be carrying. You will need props for supporting the body in Savasana, corpse pose, so that you can allow yourself to fully sink into the earth and relax. This is a 30min meditation that can be enjoyed any time of the day - perhaps morning to help you ease into a slow day or after dinner to help you with have a peaceful rest. Enjoy the experience.
Be Well, Marlo
Breathing and Affirming
Take some time, about 30min, to listen to this WELL-being session around Breathing and Affirmations to help you bring back some balance and clarity to your whole self. Be Well.
“To sparkle; splendor.” That is the Greek meaning of the name Amaryllis who was a character in a poem by Virgil. To the Victorians an Amaryllis was associated with determination and strength for their height.
I was so delighted to see these beauties over the weekend when I went to go meet one of my farmers who drives in from Michigan once a month during winter to sell his food. Eddy, my farmer, is beyond strong and most determined in seeing farming done in the best way he knows how. He was raised by his grandmother, is as tough as nails, and learned how to be a farmer from her and all of his other German relatives. He is one of the most passionate farmers I am honored to know and to be able to support.
Eddy has shared with me many of his hard times over his farming life he has had to “get through.” One of the recent ones was last Spring 2019. Because of climate change causing so many warm-ups and freezes during that Winter, all of his peach & plum tree groves were completely devasted because the bark from the ground and up about 2ft split right open, leaving them fair game for pests to invade and destroy the trees.
Eddy lost these most financially valuable prized crops which were non-traditional breeds of peaches and plums. He is known in our farmers market as having “THE BEST” peaches and plums because he offers varieties that none of the other farmers offer. He also chose not to buy & bring in to sell peaches or plums from out-of-state farmers like all of the others did at the market. He has strong values and does not ever compromise them. He did not want to tarnish his reputation should they turn out tasting horrible. It was a one-time exception to the market rule last Summer due to so many farmers losing their crops to climate change.
Why am I talking about Amaryllis’s and Eddy, my farmer? Determination, strength and to sparkle. What we are going through right now is not something new per se. Our country and the world have experienced crisis of this kind and many others in our past. This one is ours. We have been given the gift of free will and choice. How we choose to show up in every moment is ours to make.
Are there moments that are really, fucking unbearable right now? Yes. I have experienced them. Are there moments of joy and beauty that I have witnessed? Yes, every day. Is this a big sign to all of us that we need to stop and take some moments to find out what really makes our heart sparkle? Yes, though that will require you to get still, quiet and look inward at yourself which may get really uncomfortable as it’s not something that many like to do.
Will you find your determination and strength to keep moving forward through this pain, uncertainty and change? Yes, I am quite confident that we all will, myself very much included.
Easy? No. Worth it. Yes. To stand with pride, to be strong, to stay in the arena (as Brene Brown says), and to share my Sparkle and Splendor with all those who I cross paths with on my journey is very much worth all the pain even though at this moment I am petrified. Come learn with me now & moving forward.
Be Well.
I was hesitant to make this post on Facebook as I know no one reads anything anymore and because I truly felt it would fall on deaf ears.
I decided to move forward with it anyway. I was on my early morning walk today (yes, outside where nature provides tremendous healing benefits) and was listening to a podcast from a couple of years ago as I am always behind on these things. The chat between the two people was about two things that the world needs now, and has always needed: The Golden Rule, as originally stated & created by Confucius, long before everyone else decided to claim its inception, and Compassion. I have spoken on both of these topics in quite of few of my classes over my career.
Both struck me deeply this morning for many reasons but for the obvious state with which we all find ourselves in.
The Golden Rule was imprinted in my mind when I was in Kindergarten with Miss Schmidt who reminded us of its meaning daily. I can still see the words on a strip of colored paper above the chalkboard. So often in my life I have forgotten to implement this, and I have seen the same from so many people that have crossed my path in life who claim the opposite, boasting their “holier than thou” attitude. We are human, we fall and we can choose to get back on track.
Confucius had many profound things to say and we could all learn from him. The Golden Rule to me is so simple yet requires being present and living with integrity (your actions and intentions must be aligned with your principles). I wanted to share it this morning because right now we are all living in fear, concern, uncertainty etc. and I am no different.
How we want to be treated during this time of crisis needs to be reflected in how we treat others. I made mention yesterday on someone else’s post about smiling at people when you are out and about. That a smile can lift a person up in an instant. A simple “hello” does the same, shows we care AND it shows how we want to be treated.
That’s where Compassion comes in. In Latin, compassionem (nominative compassio) "sympathy," stems from of compati "to feel pity," from com "with, together" (see com-) + pati "to suffer.
I think we are all sharing our concern and care for others which is what is needed and is kind. Compassion is truly about, as the author on this podcast I was listening to said, “To dethrone myself and put another on it. To let the world according to Me move aside so that I can help lift the pain of another.” That may be too much to ask. The author continued to say that we have watered down this true meaning of Compassion to fit our needs.
I do not follow any religion nor do I follow any one person’s belief system. I focus on how I want to be remembered at the end of every interaction, intention and words exchanged, and all my behaviors and thoughts need to be aligned with my principles that guide my life. If they are not, then I make my apologies to those affected and get about working on myself so I stay on track.
I keep seeing these posts about, “we will never take for granted….; we will never forget to cherish… after we come out of this”. My wish is that while we are all supposed to be practicing social distancing or simply staying home, we take the time to truly look at how to continue this practice of Compassion with each other as we move forward, how to help heal the pain of others and how to implement The Golden Rule with every person we cross paths with, on any level and forge a different way of being.
It does all start with doing that work on yourself. You cannot hope to influence others until you make the change within yourself. It’s a lot to wish for. I hope that we can heal the pain that underlines so much of what this world is experiencing. I am grateful if you read this all the way through. Be Well.
photo snapped from michael josephson's site. i just liked it:)
I think that "what's for breakfast?" might be the second question upon waking up after "what are three things I am grateful for today?"
Breakfast IS an important meal as it gets your body ready for the day BUT should not be your biggest meal. Lunch is reserved for that. Your body is finishing up the mode of elimination and stuffing it with hard things to digest or too much makes it harder for the transition to actually take new foods in and for your body's energy to "turn on"
Some things to consider between the hours of 7am-10am (typically breakfast time):
- SIT DOWN & eat breakfast calmly, undistracted. Perhaps, eat in silence. STOP multi-tasking while you eat & PLEASE leave ALL technology in another room.
- DO get clear on the tasks, interactions, projects on the day's docket AFTER you finish eating.
- Both of these behaviors will leave you feeling confident and efficient and your body more prepared for resilience and productivity.
You already know what all the opposites of the above are, so I won't state the obvious unless you need me to.
NEXT. What are some good options for breakfast?
- Granola with dried fruit. If you want fresh fruit, it's best if you eat all fresh/raw items FIRST before anything that's cooked/processed in anyway due to the water content of the aforementioned, and the fact that it's being digested on the way down to the stomach. Then bring on the other items. YES you can add yogurt, though fermented foods do best at Lunchtime so stick then with a whole milk fat yogurt. NO you won't die as a result and yes it's a beautiful item to eat.
- Chia puddings with any yummy toppings you desire!
- Eggs on a slice of high quality, organic (if you can) ancient grain bread with some avocado or sundried tomatoes, or sautéed onions etc. Your options are pretty wide open.
- Nut butters on the same bread (maybe without the egg although, that was my breakfast of choice when I spent the night at my childhood best friends house and then we added a slice of cheese too! WHOA! that's a heavy one for the heart!)
I am not a fan of smoothies as your meal simply because your stomach isn't being given the cue to activate your digestive enzymes as you drinking it and not chewing it. SO unless you will mindfully chew the whole smoothie as it's going down, you may want to look at adding something alongside it to chew.
Come learn more about the tools to taking steps forward on your journey to becoming a Better WELL Being on APRIL 26-28,2020
I look forward to seeing you
Be Well.
#transformativelearningnow #learnercenteredinspiredsession #transformingabetteryounow #cultivateyounow #holistichealthandnutritionadvisor #developyourpersonallegacy #ahealthieryouretreat #cultivateyoullc #teaaromanutritionyogameditation
SO. You've said so many times to yourself and to others, "I need to take some time for myself....I want to start feeling healthier, more balanced....I need to get back on track."
Now, try on saying, "I am making the time to do something for me. I am investing in ME. I am starting the path to becoming a better WELL Being."
THIS FROM a recent participant:
I found the Wellness Retreat with the wonderful women from Cultivate You, a great way to start the new year! As a salon owner, to take two days to ground myself with guided meditation and yoga practice, has done me a world of good. I was treated with tender loving care everyday, great healthy food and smoothies and aromatherapy which is good for the soul! While learning techniques of self care, we were given love and support as well as recipes to take home with us to continue taking care of ourselves in this next year and actually the next decade! Looking forward to the "Soaring 20's" and plan on returning to another retreat to continue on my own self growth journey! Thank you, Marlo, for insisting I take care of myself with all Cultivate You has to offer! Joan Each Rowan
Retreats are meant to be a journey mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. They are designed to feed your soul, your TRUE Self. You’re are also meant to travel to get to where the journey begins. So that means you might have to drive or fly or take the train and that OK. That’s part of the process, not a deterrent, though you may choose to see it that way and not all retreats are the same.
Some are active, some are passive, some are silent, and many are a blend of it all. Some are more foundational and basic than others. Retreats don’t all need to be intense, highly esoteric and philosophical ore even physically rigorous to have an impact on an individual. Though being open minded to the experience is a requirement. You don’t have to tattoo anything to your arm that you learn at the retreat. You just need to try on new things, taste them. Be present in the experience.
Take off the armor and move the walls from around you...come discover yourself.
- Link to event below images. -
Well, we are in the thick of the Holiday Season which everyone has pointed out daily that it’s a week shorter than normal. Makes your skin cringe and tighten up just a bit knowing the clock is ticking faster. Yikes!
Hold on now. Stop what you are doing. Take a seat. Breathe for a few moments and get a grip. The world isn’t ending and you won’t lose your mind. This happens to us every single year and every single year we behave exactly the same way. Why not try something new instead of going down the same path and expecting a different result each time – hello insanity!
SO. To help keep your entire being in a WELL space, try some TEA to relax your nerves, keep life in perspective and help you FEEL JOY! JOY is what the Holiday Season is supposed to be about. So why don’t you allow yourself to experience it! Here are a few recommendations:
1. Chamomile Tea is your first stress-reducing tea and probably the most well-known as a calming tea though not everyone likes the taste on its own. The flower is a small daisy and you will find both a variety of its species in the tea blends out there. Chamomile has a sedative effect that is due to a flavonoid known as apigenin. It binds to receptors in the brain and acts as a mild tranquilizer. Because of that, it’s also helpful for promoting a better night’s sleep. Two of my favorite Chamomile blends are from Pukka (chamomile, vanilla, manuka honey) and Adagio’s Foxtrot (chamomile, rooibos, peppermint & vanilla)
2. Peppermint, Spearmint and Licorice - Peppermint might not be the first tea you think of to de-stress. The beautiful thing about peppermint oil is that it helps relax your muscles. A wonderful herb that’s ideal for aiding in digestion woes and upset stomachs from all the internalized stress you are inducing upon yourself! Spearmint does a fine job as well especially with a few drizzles of honey! Now, on its own Peppermint is lovely BUT when in a blend with Licorice Root (Aveda’s is the still the best though Pukka does a great job too!) you have a real winner. A lot of folks don’t like the taste of Licorice but I make them try the tea as it’s a very different experience than the molasses black strap sugary stuff you grew up with. Organic India has some beautiful blends with both for relaxing and destressing.
3. Chai - Simply lovely is all I have to say about this blend. It is a traditional Eastern Indian blend of spices (ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, black pepper and cinnamon) and is usually steeped in warm milk before bedtime. You can add some Turmeric for additional anti-inflammatory benefits. Chai is very warming, calming and quite grounding and will take your anxiety down a few notches if you allow yourself to sit still long enough to enjoy it. So many companies have great blends out there. Yogi has a Honey Chai Turmeric Vitality that’s lovely and I do like Rishi’s blend as well.
4. Passion Flower isn’t commonly consumed because it isn’t as well known as the others on this list. But it’s just as powerful for reducing stress and anxiety! It has the biggest effect on sleep, which is crucial for the body restoring itself—especially during times of stress. Chronic stress and insomnia often go hand in hand, right? One study, in particular, showed that passionflower tea helped adults get better sleep and sleep more regularly as well. Hello to waking up refreshed! (this taken from a Chopra Center contributor)
5. My last favorite for relaxing and getting my head to slow down is Dandelion Tea and I really only like one blend by The Republic of Tea Super Herb Tea which has Vanilla in it.
and yes, it's been quite some time since my last post. life had it's way with me and has finally chosen to give me a little reprieve to allow for some clear thinking. just in time as we move through Spring - yes this is the season we are in, though many of you can't seem to let go of winters hold on your energy and thoughts. it's time to move on and has been regardless of what Mother Nature has shown us.
Spring is a time of renewal, cleansing, creating, activity, movement and growth all according to Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions. it would be the way for Western thinking if folks could all get over the fact that due to climate change, all of the seasons have been pushed down about 1.5 months over the last number of years. so, everything starts later than when you remember it to which leads to the other thing that Spring is good for - releasing all that no longer serves us. letting go of all things rooted in anger, frustration, resentment and fear. make room for new ideas and projects by detoxifying your whole self inside and out. it is also represented in the element Wood, which manifests in the Liver and Gallbladder, and are responsible for moving blood and bile to help support the Spleen & Lung health, keep the allergies low, tendons agile and support eye health.
let's look at some of the creativity, inspiration and renewal that Spring brings us so we can implement that into our own lives shall we?
A great way to help you implement the actions of Spring is through a little stillness or adornment to attract the benefits of Hematite (cleanses the blood, increases circulation & energy, infuses the Chakra centers with new found strength while keeping you grounded) and Lapis Lazuli (also a blood purifier, lowers blood pressure and stress, is cooling and promotes self-expression). yes, available on the-paper-bunnies etsy page.
eating is one of the best ways to help the body get the Spring cleaning it needs. garlic scapes or green garlic are what Hippocrates, known as the "father of Western medicine" prescribed for a wide range of uses including respiratory health, poor digestion and fatigue; all of which can take place during the transition from Winter to Spring because it is a damp time. we are coming out of a very dry cold season into the wetness. our bodies and mind are trying to shed the lethargy and weight of Winter and that can lead to a Spring cold, congestion and allergies. garlic is good for reducing inflammation, is antibacterial and decongesting.
dandelion greens, watercress, shard, lettuces, sprouts are all great ways to help the body detoxify the old energy and sludge hanging out. eat more salads and lighter broths to help stimulate this process.
ramps (with a nickname of Little Stinkers) are in the onion family and i do love them in Spring. they taste like a garlic onion. they are great source of minerals, vitamins and compounds such as Vitamin C, Iron, Potassium and others. ramps are a blood cleansing, treat colds and are a tonic for the body promoting balance
rhubarb, a childhood favorite and still one today, is fantastic for promoting better digestion for its fiber, increases metabolism and circulation in the body as well as supporting bone health with Vitamin K. it is packed with many vitamins, minerals and compounds such as B complex and protein. it's very tart and most folks cook it with strawberries for a pie but you could try roasting it lightly and serving it with beets which are another beautiful Spring delight.
beets provide valuable sources of Vitamin C, B6, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and fiber. they are great for lowering blood pressure and inflammation and most importantly they support Liver health and balance. a great shot of juice in the morning is, and i did say shot not glass, beet & granny smith apple. this wakes the liver up and stimulates cell turnover, growth and movement of blood.
just a sample of what you can cook for a Spring dish that includes lighter offerings to help with the aforementioned. yes, it's on a puff pastry which in itself could be eaten alone for divine pleasure but the toppings of peas, ramps, zucchini, tarragon, lemon and eggs all make it rather tasty.
and don't forget the fruits about to come in though are available already. blueberries and all berries are the best Spring fruit to be eating in abundance to help keep your body's energy light and purified. having a berry bowl handy from the-paper-bunnies is always helpful to keep them clean and dry, ready to eat in a pretty little bowl.
this little fellow named Starsky, and his family, Hutch and Ringo, have been gracing our porch for a few weeks now. they are White-Crowned Sparrows, with a lovely song to sing and a hearty appetite. this morning, they surprised me with their little offspring taking a bath in one of our pools. Spring brings all the beautiful fledglings back to the forefront of life to enjoy and relish for the next many months.
some of the other beauties that Spring brings to us are ranunculus, poppies and peonies are shining so brightly for all to see. the peonies are touch behind and that's ok. no need to rush anything especially Mother Nature unfolding her splendor.
last, but most certainly not least is the hummingbird. this is Buddy who graces our porch every year and just made his first appearance earlier this week. that truly is a sign of great things to come. one should harness the fleeting creative energy of this little bundle of joy and get some new inspiring projects moving forward for yourself. take care of yourself. be well, marlo.
We move through our lives so quickly sometimes that we don’t even know how we got from point A to point B. Or we can’t even remember who we spoke to that day or if we remembered to eat, much less remembering what we ate.
I know that I was guilty of these many times in my former career, especially when I would drive to my other office just outside of Milwaukee. I would get on the road at the crack of dawn some days, or into the evening, and find myself on a conference call jabbering away only to find myself 20min away from my final destination. I would think, “how the heck did I get this far already?” I was always surprised that I hadn’t driven into the dividing median on the tollway because I was so engrossed in my conversations. There was nothing present about my state of mind or body for that matter.
That same behavior would also happen when I was in the thick of my arms-length long project list that never seemed to get any shorter. I would start one task, go fetch an item needed and become distracted by another “shiny object” as I call it, and start doing something completely different. I was thinking that if I did this one small thing along the way while working on the other task, then it would just be done. Wrong. That thinking led to many distractions from the original project and eventually led to my complete frustration at the end of the day.
SO. Let’s talk about intention.
I am talking about doing what we need to do throughout each minute, hour and day with a “be present” mind, body and spirit…in particular, your mind. Intention to me means two things: being present and focused in the moment of doing one thing at a time with a full mind, heart and body; the second meaning, is that your actions and intentions are fully aligned and doing the same thing in their delivery to another person (s).
The first meaning is simply this. Try not to multitask. Try to do one thing at a time with your full self in it. Yes, I get that if you have a family or lead a crazy life, multitasking may be helpful or necessary for you to move forward. All I ask is that you try to do one thing at a time, with your mind focused fully on the task at hand, and I guarantee you will feel so much better. It’s hard and it takes practice. I am no master at it and I am not striving for that. I simply try every day to slow down and practice intention again. Some folks call this mindfulness and it is that. I like to call it intention.
Which leads me to the second meaning of aligning your actions and intentions together in each behavior. So, you’ve just stuffed your foot in your mouth because what you said or did to another person was not what you intended to do or say. I am sure that hasn’t happened to you ever…not. Well, before you act out or say something you regret, STOP. Take a second to think if what you intend to say or do is aligned with your principles or values. Only then can you make the next move. If your behavior or words are not aligned, then don’t do anything at all. It’s that simple and it will save you a whole lot of pain in the end.
Intention is about being mindful in all of your actions and words and making sure you are delivering them from your heart and your principles.Yes, eating a piece of toast can be done so with intention of gratitude for being fortunate enough to have food. Yes, driving to your office can be done with intention as you do it without being on your phone or device, so you get to your destination safely. Yes, sitting at my dining room table and staring at my Amaryllis flowers can be done with intention because I am doing nothing else except enjoying their beauty, their vibrant color and their elegant shapes in the middle of this cold January day.