and yes, it's been quite some time since my last post. life had it's way with me and has finally chosen to give me a little reprieve to allow for some clear thinking. just in time as we move through Spring - yes this is the season we are in, though many of you can't seem to let go of winters hold on your energy and thoughts. it's time to move on and has been regardless of what Mother Nature has shown us.
Spring is a time of renewal, cleansing, creating, activity, movement and growth all according to Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions. it would be the way for Western thinking if folks could all get over the fact that due to climate change, all of the seasons have been pushed down about 1.5 months over the last number of years. so, everything starts later than when you remember it to which leads to the other thing that Spring is good for - releasing all that no longer serves us. letting go of all things rooted in anger, frustration, resentment and fear. make room for new ideas and projects by detoxifying your whole self inside and out. it is also represented in the element Wood, which manifests in the Liver and Gallbladder, and are responsible for moving blood and bile to help support the Spleen & Lung health, keep the allergies low, tendons agile and support eye health.
let's look at some of the creativity, inspiration and renewal that Spring brings us so we can implement that into our own lives shall we?
A great way to help you implement the actions of Spring is through a little stillness or adornment to attract the benefits of Hematite (cleanses the blood, increases circulation & energy, infuses the Chakra centers with new found strength while keeping you grounded) and Lapis Lazuli (also a blood purifier, lowers blood pressure and stress, is cooling and promotes self-expression). yes, available on the-paper-bunnies etsy page.
eating is one of the best ways to help the body get the Spring cleaning it needs. garlic scapes or green garlic are what Hippocrates, known as the "father of Western medicine" prescribed for a wide range of uses including respiratory health, poor digestion and fatigue; all of which can take place during the transition from Winter to Spring because it is a damp time. we are coming out of a very dry cold season into the wetness. our bodies and mind are trying to shed the lethargy and weight of Winter and that can lead to a Spring cold, congestion and allergies. garlic is good for reducing inflammation, is antibacterial and decongesting.
dandelion greens, watercress, shard, lettuces, sprouts are all great ways to help the body detoxify the old energy and sludge hanging out. eat more salads and lighter broths to help stimulate this process.
ramps (with a nickname of Little Stinkers) are in the onion family and i do love them in Spring. they taste like a garlic onion. they are great source of minerals, vitamins and compounds such as Vitamin C, Iron, Potassium and others. ramps are a blood cleansing, treat colds and are a tonic for the body promoting balance
rhubarb, a childhood favorite and still one today, is fantastic for promoting better digestion for its fiber, increases metabolism and circulation in the body as well as supporting bone health with Vitamin K. it is packed with many vitamins, minerals and compounds such as B complex and protein. it's very tart and most folks cook it with strawberries for a pie but you could try roasting it lightly and serving it with beets which are another beautiful Spring delight.
beets provide valuable sources of Vitamin C, B6, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and fiber. they are great for lowering blood pressure and inflammation and most importantly they support Liver health and balance. a great shot of juice in the morning is, and i did say shot not glass, beet & granny smith apple. this wakes the liver up and stimulates cell turnover, growth and movement of blood.
just a sample of what you can cook for a Spring dish that includes lighter offerings to help with the aforementioned. yes, it's on a puff pastry which in itself could be eaten alone for divine pleasure but the toppings of peas, ramps, zucchini, tarragon, lemon and eggs all make it rather tasty.
and don't forget the fruits about to come in though are available already. blueberries and all berries are the best Spring fruit to be eating in abundance to help keep your body's energy light and purified. having a berry bowl handy from the-paper-bunnies is always helpful to keep them clean and dry, ready to eat in a pretty little bowl.
this little fellow named Starsky, and his family, Hutch and Ringo, have been gracing our porch for a few weeks now. they are White-Crowned Sparrows, with a lovely song to sing and a hearty appetite. this morning, they surprised me with their little offspring taking a bath in one of our pools. Spring brings all the beautiful fledglings back to the forefront of life to enjoy and relish for the next many months.
some of the other beauties that Spring brings to us are ranunculus, poppies and peonies are shining so brightly for all to see. the peonies are touch behind and that's ok. no need to rush anything especially Mother Nature unfolding her splendor.
last, but most certainly not least is the hummingbird. this is Buddy who graces our porch every year and just made his first appearance earlier this week. that truly is a sign of great things to come. one should harness the fleeting creative energy of this little bundle of joy and get some new inspiring projects moving forward for yourself. take care of yourself. be well, marlo.