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I was hesitant to make this post on Facebook as I know no one reads anything anymore and because I truly felt it would fall on deaf ears.

I decided to move forward with it anyway. I was on my early morning walk today (yes, outside where nature provides tremendous healing benefits) and was listening to a podcast from a couple of years ago as I am always behind on these things. The chat between the two people was about two things that the world needs now, and has always needed: The Golden Rule, as originally stated & created by Confucius, long before everyone else decided to claim its inception, and Compassion. I have spoken on both of these topics in quite of few of my classes over my career.

Both struck me deeply this morning for many reasons but for the obvious state with which we all find ourselves in.

The Golden Rule was imprinted in my mind when I was in Kindergarten with Miss Schmidt who reminded us of its meaning daily. I can still see the words on a strip of colored paper above the chalkboard. So often in my life I have forgotten to implement this, and I have seen the same from so many people that have crossed my path in life who claim the opposite, boasting their “holier than thou” attitude. We are human, we fall and we can choose to get back on track.

Confucius had many profound things to say and we could all learn from him. The Golden Rule to me is so simple yet requires being present and living with integrity (your actions and intentions must be aligned with your principles). I wanted to share it this morning because right now we are all living in fear, concern, uncertainty etc. and I am no different.

How we want to be treated during this time of crisis needs to be reflected in how we treat others. I made mention yesterday on someone else’s post about smiling at people when you are out and about. That a smile can lift a person up in an instant. A simple “hello” does the same, shows we care AND it shows how we want to be treated.

That’s where Compassion comes in. In Latin, compassionem (nominative compassio) "sympathy," stems from of compati "to feel pity," from com "with, together" (see com-) + pati "to suffer.

I think we are all sharing our concern and care for others which is what is needed and is kind. Compassion is truly about, as the author on this podcast I was listening to said, “To dethrone myself and put another on it. To let the world according to Me move aside so that I can help lift the pain of another.” That may be too much to ask. The author continued to say that we have watered down this true meaning of Compassion to fit our needs.

I do not follow any religion nor do I follow any one person’s belief system. I focus on how I want to be remembered at the end of every interaction, intention and words exchanged, and all my behaviors and thoughts need to be aligned with my principles that guide my life. If they are not, then I make my apologies to those affected and get about working on myself so I stay on track.

I keep seeing these posts about, “we will never take for granted….; we will never forget to cherish… after we come out of this”. My wish is that while we are all supposed to be practicing social distancing or simply staying home, we take the time to truly look at how to continue this practice of Compassion with each other as we move forward, how to help heal the pain of others and how to implement The Golden Rule with every person we cross paths with, on any level and forge a different way of being.

It does all start with doing that work on yourself. You cannot hope to influence others until you make the change within yourself. It’s a lot to wish for. I hope that we can heal the pain that underlines so much of what this world is experiencing. I am grateful if you read this all the way through. Be Well.

photo snapped from michael josephson's site. i just liked it:)